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Dr. Ashok Kalwar

Home / Doctor / Dr. Ashok Kalwar

Dr. Ashok Kalwar is one of the most reputed names for oncology He has 30+ years of experience in this field He has 25+ years of extensive teaching experience to undergraduate & postgraduate students, has been majorly associated as academic faculty with PBM Hospital & Acharya Tulsi Regional Cancer center, S.P College in Bikaner & S.N. Medical Collage & MDM Hospital Jodhpur He is actively involved in Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Nuclear Medicine, Pain & Palliative care He has more than 150 publica-tions (About 60 International) in his credit.

  • Designation: Senior Consultant
  • Department : Radiation Oncology

Area of Interest 

  • Pediatric
  • Hemato oncology
  • Radiotherapy

Education & Training 

DNB (RT), DRM, Fellowship in Medical Oncology, N.M.T.T, P & PC (Pain & Palliative), RSO

Awards, Honours, & Memberships 



  • NMTT, Maulana Azad Medical collage, New Delhi. (1993)
  • P&PC-Govt Medical collage, Kozhikod (2000)
  • RSO RMC BRC (1999 & 2006)
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